Supplier Members

CCFW Supplier Partner Membership Application

New Member Application Process

All applications will be reviewed by the CCFW Board of Directors and you will be notified by email of approval.

In order to be approved for membership, all Supplier Applicants must provide products or services to Cemeteries and/or Funeral Homes that fall in line with our mission statement of promoting the order of Christian Funerals and the tradition of Catholic burial in Catholic cemeteries.

[ultimate_pricing design_style=”design02″ color_scheme=”custom” color_bg_main=”#ffffff” color_txt_main=”#365da6″ color_bg_highlight=”#f9bb13″ color_txt_highlight=”#ffffff” package_heading=”Regular Supplier Membership” package_sub_heading=”One representative from your company” package_price=”$500″ package_unit=”per year” package_name_font_size=”desktop:36px;” subheading_font_size=”desktop:24px;”]

  • Complete website listing
  • Sponsorship opportunities at the Annual Conference.
  • Ability to offer member only discounts to Cemetery Members through our online membership portal
  • Access to CCFW cemetery & funeral home member directory
  • Opportunities to submit educational articles for the CCFW website and newsletter
    Click here to download the Vendor Ad/Article Guidelines

You may add on additional representatives to your membership as Associate Members for $100 per person per year.[/ultimate_pricing]

Apply for Membership
